Saturday, July 7, 2007

Male - Female Communication Patterns

During a general discussion, 2points come up : Linguistics and Pragmatics, and the Discourse Analysis.

The Linguistic is the study of the language. It could be define in 3 ways.
The first one is 'grammar', it's the synthaxe which is the study of the words.
The second one is the meaning.
Then, the third one is where the word come from.

The Pragmatic is the study of 'why people choose this word, instead of another, in order to express themselvels.

Then, it's the Discourse Analysis is the representation of the native language.

The difference between male and female exist in all cultures..
In fact, in the 1975s, the language was supporting the idea that men were dominating women.
Shortly after that, around 1980 and 1990, it was the study of the differences in stlyles.
Findings were that 96% of men, were interumpting then, another study, found 75%.
Concerning women, they use tag questions more than men. Like for example : isn't it? (at the end of a sentence).

There is an important aspect on the Conversational Coherence between men and women.

Physically, men don't face each other. Instead of women, who even if their seats don't permit them to site face to face, try to find a way to do so.

On the Topical Cohesion, 2nd grades Boys and 2nd grades Girls, react completly differently.
Boys, only say few words and they are discomfort because they are all the time moving.
Girls, are comfortable and are telling their stories normally.

Concerning the 6th grades, boys are discussing 55 topics with only 20second for each topic.
Girls are speaking about few topics and more longer.

The 10th grades are discussing like adult conversations.
Boys just want to talk about their own problems and without listening to others.
Girls are only focusing on one girl's problem, like for example her relationship with her father and with her boyfriend.

For the 25years old, men have difficulties for finding a subject. So they talk about mariage.
Women, talk about their personal relation ships. Also, saying 'i am better than you', is an expression that women are discomforted to say.

TV Debates.

They are usually show late at night for about 3hours. Some themes are about cultures, politics...
There, people involved are concerned or experts.
In act, on these shows, women are not taking as much as they should. For example, if they come as experts, people would ask them questions as they were concerned.

Men, during these shows, are talking for the majority..
They are talking about one subject for a long time, like a lecture.

When men say that they are experts, people take them as experts, hwever, when women define themselves as experts, people take them as concerned.
Even if a man, comes a the show as a person sick, at the end of the show, he will be taked as an expert.

In the workplace.

The statues vs connection define the kind of environment the workplace has.
Numerous study in cultures shows that some people are direct and others are not.

During meetings, there are 2 differents methods : the free for all and the one more formal ( one at the time approach).

Every single female manager who make suggestion may not be accepted! However, when men suggest, it's accepted.

Men speak longer than women, they argue more and make also jokes.

To conclude, it's not appropriate to say that all men speak this or that way or women do that way because both have different styles.


Sorida said...

wow you got all information
but where your reaction and opinion about the topic?

F Alghaithi said...

Hi Zeinab.. ur summery is worthful u have a good organization but as Sorida said where is ur opinion I think ur opinion can add more in the summery by the way u have a nice picture :)

Alaa said...

Hi zeinab,
First of all nice picture :)
I think you have a good summary that cover all the information of the lecture.

Sorida said...

yes i think so
i don't know why this lecture said women ideas are hard to accept